Das Weltkulturerbe 2025
The World-Cultural-Heritage
Most Welcome!
The first Fairy Tale is:
The Wishing table, the Gold-Ass and the Cudgel in the Sack!
Dear Readers,
My person had to take these following text sections linked here from a book in advance, so that everyone can understand what is going on more easily.
My person very much hopes that the book publishing company Naumann & Göbel mbH including Thema media GmbH as well as of course the authors Dr. S. D. and Mr. M. P. agree with this and do not assert any copyright claims in this regard.
This book "Wissen für Kinder - Das Weltall" (Knowledge for Children - The Universe) already leaves readers asking the right questions and even contains clear answers, which are really interesting even if you are not necessarily interested in the universe. It is always quite amazing what enormous knowledge man already has and with what highly technical possibilities man is already in the process of exploring the universe in order to be able to find answers to many questions. Of course, my person has also wondered why mankind invests in such risky and costly projects and undertakings, although the money or resources for these projects would be urgently needed elsewhere, as poorer countries such as India are also partly involved in these costly projects.
Quite obviously, a .............
But before my person should name very simple basics of the universe, which are quite obviously not known or for some reason not recognised, my person must first make some demands in the matter, which are important and remain important for the safety of all people.
My person hopes that you and others who are interested in the universe will continue to ask such reasonable questions or even better questions as in the above-mentioned book, in that even a layman can read and understand the informed content!